Guillem Fernandez

About my job and my passion.

Open Weather - Inception Deck

  • To give the community new material that can be freely distributed.
  • To have a good time.

The elevator pitch

For developers.
who are newbies or want to learn a new methodology.
the Open Weather App.
is an easy and complete example.
that implements an App that is able to look for the forecast of a selection of cities.
unlike the rest of the weather apps that are in the store.
our product is open source and can be built, changed and inspected.

Product box

product box

NOT list


  • Select and deselect cities
  • Remember selected cities
  • Perform animations


  • Add new cities
  • Save forecast


  • Reorder cities

Meet your neighbours

Just because in this case we are going to do this project alone, we don’t have any neighbour, but this is the perfect situation where you’d need to list all that people that is related to the project, near to you or that can do some work in the project that you don’t know how to do or is not one of your skills.

I would add here a designer (Don’t forget that if you want a good product don’t try to design it from your perspective of engineer), a translator if you want multiple localizations, maybe an accountant if there is some kind of financial calculations that your app have to do, etc …

Here is the place to list all that people, with their contact data, their skills and, if you think is appropriated, their fares.

In this group you could also add those meant to be recipients of the App as, in other situations they probably would like to say some words about the proposal, the design and the time estimations.

Show the solution

Because of the simplicity of this project, there is not many documents we need to create before starting, so I decided to add a general schema, and screens mockups.

Forecast screen City selection
City help Forecast help

Screen flow schema

Inception Schema

Ask what keep us up at night

  • Changes in the service we decide to use to get the forecast.
  • Excess of API calls that may collapse the service as it is a free service.

Size it up

As we have a project that is going to be published through a blog and a podcast, we are being a little tricky here as we are taking more time than what it should take.

  • 1st Delivery: Inception Deck
  • 2nd Delivery: Develop the model
  • 3rd Delivery: Develop the views
  • 4th Delivery: Develop the controller
  • 5th Delivery: Develop the animations
  • 6th Delivery: Build and upload to App Store

time line
